Walton Implants and Periodontics

Pre-Treatment Instructions

Pre-Treatment Instructions

You should present on the day of your procedure wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. If you are not being sedated you should take any medications as normal and will be able to drive yourself home. You will receive specific instructions on caring for the area treated after the procedure. It would be a good idea to prepare ahead of time with a few things. You will generally be asked to ice the area for the first two days. Ice packs, baggies of ice and bags of frozen vegetables will all serve the purpose well. You will also need to maintain a diet of relatively soft food for the first week. Most of what you normally eat would be fine including mashed potatoes, pasta, eggs, cooked vegetables, oatmeal, etc. For the first two days cold soft food has the added benefit of cooling the surgery site like an ice pack in your mouth. Cold smoothies, yogurt, pudding, applesauce and Ensure are great. Having some of these items on hand ahead of time is a good idea.